A blog about football, books and the madness that is Law School.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Mae govannen, mellon.

For the ignorant among you, that's "Well met, friend" in Quenya, one of JRR Tolkien's Elvish languages. Those of you who know me, will know that I am a somewhat obsessive Tolkien fan, and rather proud to be so, so that I have started this post like this is pretty much to be expected.

I first tried to start this blog around two years ago, and began with a post that had the same title. My first attempt at the wondrous art of blogging saw me post parts of a Prologue to a book I was writing. Much to the detriment of the reading world, I only put up three posts (which between them still hadn't managed to finish the prologue), and I hadn't even been able to finish the prologue by then. The prologue was finally finished, and then scrapped, revived, modified, abandoned, revived again, and now is being cunningly converted into a short story which will surely never see the innards of a printer. Sad, yes, but then again, that's life for you.

At this very moment in space and time, I am sitting in the Delhi office of a reputed law firm, violating corporate policy for the sake of resurrecting my dead blogging career. I can already hear my concerned fans/followers/extremely jobless persons who are actually reading this blog/ the people I asked to read this blog, asking, "Why, Sachdev, why? What is the point of risking the reputation as a hard-working, intelligent worker you've garnered over the last two weeks?"

OK, maybe that's not exactly the question going through your head. You're probably wondering why you're reading this blog, given that to any reasonable person it does not appear to be saying very much. Maybe you're wondering what you're going to eat for dinner. Or maybe why your poop was that bilious shade of green. But that's not the point and neither is that the principle. Though if you really were wondering why your poop was that bilious shade of green, my bets would be on spinach. Nasty stuff, no matter what that idiot Popeye says.

Anyway, I am trying to do a Lazarus here with my blog because just yesterday I was thinking about the guy who writes Arseblog, one of the best Arsenal blogs around (yes, I can hear your perverted comments) and how the lucky bugger doesn't do anything else in his life apart from that, and the bugger is just in his late thirties. Yes, he held a job before, and yes, he does sell stuff from the blog, but I mean, come on, how on earth can blogging be that lucrative?

Now I'm not saying here that I intend to take up blogging as a career, but it makes you think. Add to this rumination a lot of boredom, given that the only work I have right now requires the use of Manupatra, which is acting like even more of a cock than usual, and the result that I am writing this post isn't much of a surprise. And of course, every Tom, Dick and Dirty Harry is writing a blog nowadays, so why shouldn't I entertain the world with the fascinating story of my day to day life and its exciting adventures and stuff?

So there you go. This blog will be updated regularly (hopefully) with posts about football (primarily Arsenal stuff, obviously), books (all sorts, except those horribly tedious "literary" works and chick lit. Can't decide which is worse) and life in general, and law school in particular. I hope you enjoy the read, and if you don't, you can sod off.




  1. Yesterday, I met my school friends after over two years. While leaving, I said to each of them, "Mae govannen, mellon."

  2. Var nice. I see you didn't reply to my message about the 8-0. :P
